
Bass Tunin', a funny song

Yet another rediscovered gem from 2007. I think I made this for FAWM, but somehow lost the mp3 until now! It features the motif of a bass player taking his time tuning on stage. Har har. http://www.andrewyonda.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Bass-Tunin.mp3

I juss abut died laughing when I heard the harmonics halfway through. Har har.

Makin' hay

"We're gonna make some love, we're gonna make some hay, we're gonna rise above, we're gonna be okay. We're gonna party." http://www.andrewyonda.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/01-Makin-Hay.mp3

I made this song in twenty minutes during FAWM last year. So please ignore any tuning issues you might hear, and focus on the fun! When I redo this song (this is a demo, you see) I think I'll double the tempo and add an "oontz oontz oontz" kind of beat. Aw yeah!